· Carteles chinos : □■ La isLa deL mOnO ■□

06 junio, 2007

· Carteles chinos

En esta pagina web hay unos cuantos carteles recopilados por la biblioteca nacional de medicina de China que se utilizaban alrededor del siglo veinte para informar a la población sobre salud pública. Echadles un ojo, son bastante curiosos.

"The National Library of Medicine has recently acquired a large collection of Chinese Public Health materials, about seven thousand items produced from early 20th century to the year of SARS. The collection has a wide range of media presentations: posters, health newsletters, health newspapers, paintings, pharmaceutical advertisements, calendars, children's chess games, jigsaw puzzles on health topics, playing cards on SARS, lantern slides, negatives, photographs, and health award certificates, as well as books and journals. These materials present rich visual representations of public health concerns which were closely tied to the political, social, economic, and even military engagements of China during different time periods. Scholars and the general public will find the collection a unique source of information on Chinese public health education and propaganda movements. This website is a brief introduction to the collection, which is in the process of being catalogued. "

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